Laren walked for nine weeks and a day. He wandered and pondered the orb he held always in his hands, and as he felt the power that resided within it he worked out it's workings. He never wanted for food nor shelter, as whenever he wanted it the land would effulge through his arms. With simply a gesture he drew forth the fruits of the land, and so he was never too far from nourishment. One day he wandered through a barren desert, and found he drew whiskey from the rocks. The next he dreamt of a temperate jungle, and when he awoke he found himself shaded under prehistoric ferns. He never found himself in danger, for his thoughts would organize themselves and align to a playful slant. At one point he lost the way, but he quickly realized his mistake. He tried to use the magic as enchanters do, like aldi prelat - but he could not conceptualize a spell. He tried to use the magic as conjurers do, like ursene - but he knew not from where he could've drew. He tried to use the magic as paladins do, like velathrim - but his prayers swirled around him & danced like dust in the sunlight. He tried it every witch way he knew - but it only worked when he chose to just do. And so he realized his mistake, and went on with a conceptual pattern of trusting. One day he came to a cave, and remembering the structure of his world he was wary. But beyold, for on the other side there was another pattern of trusting. they met there, in the dark, and beheld their reciprocal dualities. one brought forth gold, as benefiting a creature of the sun, and the other handed away that which it was holding. the darkness, how resplendent, would be incomplete without that present, and so it made sense to divest. When he left he felt a little less possessed, but he knew his heart would be permanently heavier. He wandered away from that cave on that day, and made no attempt to record it's location. He would wander for several weeks still, And yet he found he never wanted for food nor nourishment. As the weeks grew to months he found himself in familiar surroundings, and the weight in his heart took on new understandings. He swallowed back tears as his familiar surroundings pealed back to reveal his friends, shadowed in the light, and then he couldn't stop sobbing.