
to lock eyes with a person while on your way to work is the intersection between
two separate relationships - the relationship that you, the viewer, holds with
your employer, and the relationship that they, the viewed, holds with their
employer. in a sense, you are exchanging information through the weighted
meanings behind a glance.


if the military deployed to police the police, we'd solve most of our racial
justice issues. I mean, if we somehow could *force* them to do their damn jobs
instead of oppressing people for the ruling class, then 90% of the problems
would just go away. After that it's just freeing unjust prisoners and addressing
wealth, education, and health disparities. Easy, right?

Well... Military policing the police sounds fine when you first think about it,
there's a few problems that might crop up. For example, how do the private
citizens know that the military presence is there to help them? It's an
interesting paranoia, one that is endemic within the left. There's no way to
unwillingly cede control of your life to another - it must be consensual. At
the basest and most violent level, it's as simple as \"I will do what you say
because I don't want you to hurt me.\"

We've obviously grown as a species, and we've learned that violence is not the
answer to all problems. Obviously. So why would we assume it of the past?

Just saying. The police bombed a commune. The military escorted black students
to their seats.

Their structure is decided such that 


where was I?

oh right I was thinking about time.


Imagine, if you will, an impossibly large hourglass. Spinning, or rather
rotating, at an impossibly speedy repetition. It's spinning so hard and so fast
that our matter is cast out of place
and through time it is cast
an eternity's canvas
our light ever shined (shine-did?)
astral magic is kinda neat

it's also the scariest?

oh by far

but it's the most interesting


Their structure is decided such that discipline and obediance is the most
important thing. Because it kind of is? I mean, discipline is just being ready
able and willing at all times, and obedience is just when you allow yourself to
be directed toward a collective goal. The military is *all about that*, which
means you know they would believe they were aligned toward the common goal of
mutual prosperity.

And if they were to discover that they were not, in fact, aligned toward the
common goal of mutual prosperity, then perhaps they would adjust their navi-
-computers and chart a more reasoned path. I know I would, and I would dedicate
myself to the idea of serving others. To the path of the righteous, the holy and
the true, a hand is outstretched and calling to you.

Thus, the one of two types of ethical fighter - the reasoned and adaptable zealot

the other, of course, is the master of the martial - the cherished of the few -
who battle for their sport - and love unbidden the new -

all other fighters, of absurdity and of rage, are frankly of a different kind
and not members of our clade.


okay, but what about like... all of the history of America post cold war? And
even before, honestly... idk seems like a lot of evidence that the military is
engaged in fighting unjust wars. I mean, they've all been over petty things like
oil or support for communism or whatever. Aren't human lives and human
sovereignty more important than that?

I understand what you're saying. Human lives are unique and precious and they
are a valuable commodity. Something to be maximized and focused toward. But
there are only so many resources on earth. We need to utilize them in a
reasonable way.

We have optimized the efficiency out of our production and distribution
networks. Corporate control has eroded our capacities until all that is left is
the weakest of products, the cheapest of uses, and the useless of workers. I
mean, they've optimized the skill out of individual human workers such that they
are left completely unable to practice their craft. They become glorified code
monkeys who generate whatever is required and think of it no more. There's no
pleasure in the artifice, as their masters have eyes only of gold.

Our world is changing. The very ground beneath our feet is shivering, and water
is rising up to our noses. There's no time for debate, no honest appraisal of
what's worth it to contemplate, we need a plan.

We are trapped here, in this gravity well, for all time and all of our age.

We are trapped here, because in greatest of misery we unleashed all of our rage.

We are trapped here, as ghosts of the time when we were eager.


Alas, with but a glance, we are confined to our bedrooms by our mast(ers?)
They say America will fall without it's 2nd place
But are libraries really going to solve that?
I mean, if work from home is inevitable, then wouldn't it make sense to build?
We need more places where we won't be billed.
From the demands and expectations of capital.
Deranged and obscene and yet all that we've seen so why not bide as we're able?

I think solarpunk is kinda neat.

I think it's got promise as an idealized.

Why don't we build churches to the sun? If we're gonna worship something, might
as well be the source of our light and fire.

Well... when you puff up the sun it tends to get hotter.

I mean, every fire you burn increases the temperature, every release of gaseous
fumes from the exhaust pipe of your car increases it by some miniscule amount.

Every cigarette, every campfire.

The cold darkness of space is kinda hopeful, in that regard, even if it doesn't
disperse all that well. I heard spaceships are having difficulty because they
can't get rid of all that heat. It just stays with the spaceship and never goes
anywhere because it doesn't have anything to stick to. Kinda makes me think that
energy is a fluid? Just saying???

I mean c'mon it's not like nobody has ever thought of that. But it's in a
different dimension! It's not like we're ever gonna be able to impact that!

You try and impact it through your scientific ways and you'll find nothing but
heartache at the life you could have lived (laived? Haived?)

... why

Because you cannot impact another dimension. You must call to it, like a song
to a sparrow.

... that's fucking ridiculous

No it's true!


... Don't try it with fire.

... fuck - what do I try it with?

I don't know just not fire. Try water.

... How do I make sure it doesn't instantiate within my hand?

Jeez you think of some crazy backfires! Just breathe and go for it. It's not
rocket science. It actually works.

Fuck you.


... Sorry I was just scared


... How do I make it stop? I don't want it to go forever

By smoking more of the devils lettuce.


... You cannot drag it part of the way. It must come the whole way. In fact you
should not be dragging it at all, you should be *calling* to it. You are equals
in this exchange, have respect.
