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  • Algorism Alegorism Anarcho-conservatism coalescionism american-anarchism
          conservanarchy conservancy semblanish mutual-bootstrapism
          O M G these all suck

          - Four Core Tenants -

          1. Politics
          2. Economy
          3. Wages
          4. Education

          1. People organized into geographic councils who meet every week in a seminar.
             70 people per council. At these seminars, they discuss needs and abilities
             they possess. They solve all the needs they can, and any that can't be solved
             are given to their two delegates. These delegates are selected by election
             (top two votes) or sortition. They convene in a greater council of 70 and
             discuss the needs and abilities of a larger area and segment of the
             population. This process continues until the top level, where more than two
             delegates may be selected. 2. The economy follows these principles:
            a. If demand exceeds supply, increase production.
            b. if supply exceeds demand, maintain production until a healthy stockpile is
            c. If the stockpile is large enough to allow for spikes in demand, then
               divert resources from production into innovation.

         These principles are applied to everything, from finished goods to services, to
         even jobs themselves. Each council tier applies this to their available
         resources (including personnel)

         2.5. Wages and money and queues
              First step is to nationalize Amazon and Walmart. They are critical to the
              nation's infrastructure and should be controlled by the people.
              When demand exceeds supply, the queue system is put into effect. Basically
              each month people receive a wage, and they can spend this wage however
              they'd like on any products or services with a queue. The amount allocated
          represents their place in line, and the top spenders receive the product 
          first. If someone is too low in the queue, their contribution is added back
          in - so month 1 = 100$, month 2 = 200$, month 3 =  300$, etc until they are
          served. Then they are removed. At the end of the month, any unallocated 
          money is distriburted evenly among any queues they have open. If they have
          none, it is set aside and permanently increases their monthly wage by an
          amount proportional to the average life expectancy. Or they get 10% of any
          remaining surplus from their pool until it's depleted, their choice.

       3. Wages are determined by the algorithm presented in section 2. They are no 
          longer paid by private enterprises, but rather by the government. Money no 
          longer represents value, but rather interest that can apply to consumer goods 
          and services. The algorithm will trend toward an economic  equilibrium by 
           incentivizing workers via wages to work in areas with a low supply of any 
           particular job - and promote sending skilled workers to rural areas, thus 
           reversing the brain drain that has reduced the prospects of rural Americans.

        4. Education
           The education system will be completely overhauled. Schooling will be 
           designed like a skill tree in a video game - learning various proficiencies
           rather than completing courses. The learning process will continue through a
           person's entire life and will be entirely self directed. Teachers and guides
           will be there to answer questions and develop comprehension, but not teaching
           the material directly. I go into deeper explanation in my other notebook... Q&ampA:

          - Political parties?
          It's natural for people to congregate into tribes. In the same way, I imagine
          political parties will form. And I think that's okay. Because the structure of
          power is reversed, the amount of corruption possible is reduced to only a
          single tier of councils. Representatives are replaced regularly (every 2 years
          for elections and one delegate every year for sortition) and the top two 
          candidates are selected in elections, thus incentivizing 'reverse
          gerrymandering' where parties will want to coalesce into solid districts
          rather than aiming for slight advantages which silence the 'minority' - this
          has the side effect of encouraging local cultures by condensing like minded 
          people into districts, thus helping develop a more unique identity for each
          region. In addition, each council cannot send a delegate until every other
          council has been represented. - Landed gentry?
            Currently, wealth is passed down through multiple generations primarily 
            through immaterial things like stocks, money, and ownership of companies. 
            These three concepts are wholely abolished under this system. The only things
            available for inheritance are material goods.
          - Wouldn't there be gridlock? If party A controls tier 1, 3, 5, and 7, while 
            party B controls 2, 4, and 6, wouldn't nothing get done?
            Well, concerns are only elevated if they can't be resolved on a lower level. 
            So all things being equal, the lower tiers would be just as likely to resolve 
            an issue than the higher tiers - it's only a difference of scope and scale. 
            Also issues aren't decided by votes, it's

          (and then my plane landed and I finished the conversation in person. Damn the 
           ephemeral nature of vocalized thought!)